What are the requirements for the CI designation?

  1. Interpreting proficiency must be demonstrated by:
    • Passing an oral exam that tests performance skills in two or more modes of interpreting, with published assessment instruments, 研究方法, development and validation procedures, 资格要求, 管理(e).g., availability and location, fees, reporting of results);1 or
    • In the case of conference interpreting, exacting peer review or testing through one of the organizations approved for the CI designation.
  2. And the credential must have been granted by a:
    • 政府机构,或
    • Non-profit professional association, or
    • Non-profit certification board or governing committee that includes individuals from the certified population, as well as voting representation from at least one consumer or public member. For entities offering more than one certification program, a system must be in place through which all certified populations are represented, 有投票权, on the certification board or governing committee.2


Listen to the ATA Podcast to learn all you need to know about the Credentialed 翻译 designation.

Interpreting credentials that meet the CI designation requirements


  • AIIC
  • 欧盟
  • National Accreditation Authority for Translators and 翻译s
  • 塔阿尔
  • 联合国
  • U.S. Department of State-Conference
  • U.S. 国家研修班部


  • California Administrative Hearing 翻译 永利登录网址
  • California Medical 永利登录网址
  • CHI-永利登录网址 Commission for Health Care 翻译s
  • CMI-National Board for 翻译 永利登录网址
  • National Accreditation Authority for Translators and 翻译s
  • 佤邦DSHS-Medical


  • California Administrative Hearing 翻译 永利登录网址
  • Federal Court 翻译 永利登录网址
  • NAJIT永利登录网址口译员
  • National Accreditation Authority for Translators and 翻译s
  • State Court 翻译 永利登录网址 (with a score of 70% or better in all three modes of interpreting)
  • Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General

What credentials may not be used to qualify for a CI designation?

  • Credentials designed or used by private or non-profit language services providers for the purpose of vetting interpreters they employ or contract.
  • 证书, 永利登录网址, or other credentials that were obtained without passing an oral interpreting exam.

What if I have a credential that is not listed above?

If you hold a credential that is not listed above but meets the necessary criteria, please let ATA Headquarters know. The credential will be reviewed for possible inclusion.

Add your CI designation to the Directory

How do I request a CI designation in the ATA Directory?

You will be able to request a CI designation in the near future.  If you have any questions, contact the Membership Department at membership@xlglmexmu.com.

Is there a cost associated with the CI designation?

是的, there is an administrative fee of $35. The fee covers all requests for one year.

Can I have more than one CI designation?

是的, however you must complete a separate request form for each credential.

Are there any responsibilities associated with a CI designation in the ATA Directory?

是的. You must maintain the credential which is the basis for the CI designation. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the CI designation and possible action by the ATA Ethics Committee.

1 Suggested evidence to document that the Standard has been met may include a candidate handbook, brochures about the certification program, 以及其他公共文件. See National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCAA), Standards for the Accreditation of 永利登录网址 Programs, 2010. 标准7.

2 NCAA Standards for the Accreditation of 永利登录网址 Programs, 2010. 标准的3.